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Terms and Conditions



The Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast (UUCB), or its designated representative, will conduct the raffle drawing after the regular church service on Sunday, January 1, 2023. The person who purchased the selected raffle ticket (the “Winner”) will be notified by phone and/or email as provided on their ticket stub by Monday, January 2, 2023.

The Winner is entitled to one of four prize options:

  • A. For travel outside of the U.S.A.: Two round-trip airline flights to and from any major international airport, dinner for two at a restaurant of their choice, and two nights hotel accommodations for two (the “Prize”). The destination and restaurant will be selected by the Winner. UUCB will select the airline and accommodations. The Prize does not include bush flights or ground transportation, alcohol except as included in meal packages, or any other entertainment or services beyond those explicitly stated in these conditions.

  • B. For travel within the U.S.A.: Two round trip airline flights to and from any U.S. airport (or other transportation of choice), two dinners for two at restaurants of their choice, and four nights accommodations for two (the “Prize”). The destination and restaurant will be selected by the Winner. UUCB will select the airline and accommodations. The Prize does not include bush flights or ground transportation, alcohol except as included in meal packages, or any other entertainment or services beyond those explicitly stated in these conditions.

  • C. If Winner wants to stay within New England, submit a proposal to UUCB. For example, rent a cottage on a lake for a week and host a lobster bake for your family reunion.

  • D. An all expense paid trip to the UU General Assembly for two.

Total package value is not to exceed $5,000. The Winner must decide upon a destination and a restaurant(s) by June 1, 2023. The Winner must use the Prize by January 1, 2024, barring Covid19 restrictions. All travel arrangements must be booked through UUCB or its designated representative.

  • The Winner must be at least 21 years of age. The Winner may be required to provide proof of age acceptable to UUCB.

  • UUCB is not liable for any loss, injury, death, accident, theft, illness, or other misfortune of any nature whatsoever incurred during this trip or resulting from it. By accepting airline tickets or any other portion of the Prize, the Winner releases UUCB, its employees, trustees, agents, and attorneys from any and all obligations to the Winner and any and all claims or causes of action that may exist against UUCB, known or unknown, as well as any such obligations, claims, or causes of action arising from the Winner’s acceptance of the Prize. UUCB makes no warranty whatsoever, express or implied, with respect to the prize.

  • The IRS takes the position that no portion of the ticket price will qualify as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.

  • Net proceeds will be applied as follows: Any unused balance of the $5000 prize, up to $500, will be used to purchase carbon offsets from; all remaining proceeds will be applied to the religious organization of the UUCB and servicing the public benefit of the community by working toward the fulfillment of its mission.

  • Tickets are $20.00 each and may be purchased by cash, check, credit card, or money order. Each ticket must list the purchaser’s telephone number and address. Raffle tickets may not be deposited in the federal postal service; doing so is a violation of federal law and may lead to penalties.

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