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Mindfulness Meditation

Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00am, Bob Johansen will lead a weekly mindfulness meditation group for practitioners of all levels and experience at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast, 37 Miller Street.  Each session will include mindfulness practice, instruction, and group discussion. We will also explore meditation practices to deepen lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.
No registration required; drop-ins welcome. You don't need to have been in the group previously. Masks are suggested but not required. A free-will offering will be taken at each session to benefit the UU Church of Belfast.
Bob Johansen is a long-time practitioner, teacher, spiritual director, and parish minister. For more information contact him at:

Thursday Connections Conversations
11 AM

As always everyone is welcome and we'll start with a brief reading, a check in and then choose a topic/question to explore together. A Zoom link will be sent Thursday mornings. 


Conversations about the End of Life  

Come join our interesting, monthly, End-of-Life group discussions

End-of-life is a subject many of us want to avoid and yet it is something that all of us will experience. I believe that knowledge is power and can lessen the powerlessness and fear we feel when we think about the end of our lives.

Some of the topics we have discussed are:
1. The difference between water cremation and flame cremation
2. How do you or a loved one navigate the dreaded paperwork after someone dies?
3. What do you know or don't know, about the funeral industry?
4. Do you have your plans written down?

Join us for interesting discussions about these and many other topics.
Contact Nancy McAlley for more information. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 6572 6272
Passcode: 037188

Monthly Collaborative Anti-Racism Conversations
2nd Tuesday of each month at 4pm
Meeting ID: 469 537 6814
Phone: 646-558-8656
Each month your ministers and intern from our three sister congregations of Ellsworth, Castine and Belfast will facilitate a discussion around the topic of anti-racism. These discussions are different each month often beginning with a video, piece of literature, or other presentation to spark thought, reflection and discussion. It is a time for us to deepen our understanding around the work of dismantling white supremacy culture. It is a time to explore our roles, our resistance and most importantly our responsibility to be actively anti-racist in this beautiful world we live in. Join us. All are welcome.

Collaborative Anti Racism Conversation
Second Tuesdays 4-5:30pm

Collaborative Anti-Racism Conversations:

Second Tuesdays 4-5:30pm on ZOOM


Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 469 537 6814


Phone: 646-558-8656


All are welcome to come and be a part of this learning community. Each month, we explore a topic together about our efforts as individuals and UU faith communities to be more anti-racist people and congregations. 

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